disease of kings
02 May, 2018
Gout is a disease known since antiquity. it was well known to ancient egyptians. The disease was associated with people of high social standing and is often referred to as "king's disease"The characteristic feature of gout is acute pain appearing most commonly in the big toe, ankle or feet. The pain rapidly increases in intensity with in first twenty four hours. The pain is severe and associated with inflammation. The patient is generally overweight and may have diabetes and hypertension. There are food stuff which can precipitate an acute attack. common offending foodstuff are red meat, sea food. pulses mushroom. Alcohol intake also is a risk factor with beer being specially notorious.It also makes patients prone to develop kidney stones and skin deposits called as tophi. Treatment involves pain killers and inti inflammatory drugs to control pain and inflammation. Long term therapy aims at weight reduction and steps to control the uric acid overload with appropriate diet and medication.